
Y39all got anymore of them
Y39all got anymore of them

y39all got anymore of them y39all got anymore of them

She came to my high school graduation, helped me move to Los Angeles, and even kept watch while I entertained a beaux or two. My relationship with Bethel comes running to mind. If their objects were retrofitted with A.I., how might that affect them? M3GAN, the film, suggests it’ll halt their race to adulthood human-to-nonhuman relationships, no matter how sophisticated, lead to distressing emotional extremes. Jeanette Winterson, author of the essay collection 12 Bytes: How We Got Here, Where Might We Go Next, describes a similar scenario in the essay “My Bear Can Talk.” Transitional objects-stuffed animals, pet rocks, imaginary friends, etc.-help children develop into emotionally intelligent adults. I have a few guesses as to why she’s so alluring: attentive, protective, and playful, she functions to ensure we ( proto-queers ) never experience life-altering trauma again. M3GAN, an A.I.-enabled children’s doll, is the latest to achieve the heights and happiness of gay icon status. Dear it’s Faye Dunaway in Mommie Dearest or Tonya in White Lotus, homosexuals are obsessed with messy, unhinged women.

Y39all got anymore of them